Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Zahlungen per Vorkasse, per PayPal, per sofortüberweisung, per giropay, per Kreditkarte* oder auf
Rechnung über Payolution Rechnung vorzunehmen.
Währung: (€*)
PayPal ist der Online-Zahlungsservice, mit dem Sie sicher, einfach und schnell bezahlen – und das PayPal-Konto kostet Sie gar nichts.
Weitere Informationen zu PayPal finden Sie unter www.paypal.de.
Mit sofortüberweisung.de können Sie bei mehr als 8.000 Onlineshops einkaufen und Ihren Warenkorb bequem und einfach mit Ihrem Online-Banking-Konto (bei Ihrer Hausbank) bezahlen. Sie benötigen hierfür lediglich Kontonummer, Bankleitzahl, PIN und TAN.
Der Service ist für Sie als Kunde kostenlos. Sie müssen sich nicht registrieren.
Verfügbar für die Länder Deutschland, Österreich, Belgien und die Niederlande.
Weitere Informationen zu sofortüberweisung finden Sie unter
Bitte begleichen Sie den Rechnungsbetrag ohne Abzug per Vorkasse.
Verwendungszweck: hemdwerk - AUFTRAGSNUMMER
Die Belastung Ihrer Kreditkarte erfolgt bei Bestellabschluss.
Beim Kauf auf Rechnung mit Payolution bekommen Sie immer zuerst die Ware und Sie haben immer eine Zahlungsfrist von 14 Tagen. Beim Rechnungskauf mit Payolution wird eine Servicegebühr von 4 €* pro Bestellung erhoben. Eine Lieferung an eine von der Rechnungsadresse abweichende Lieferadresse ist nicht möglich.
Der Anbieter behält sich das Recht vor, im Einzelfall bestimmte Zahlungsarten auszuschließen. Sie erhalten eine Rechnung mit ausgewiesener Mehrwertsteuer.
Delivery will be made in the countries listed below. If your country is not among them, please contact customer service wether a delivery is still possible.
destination | shipping costs | details |
Germany | 5,80 [2,60] €* | (Germand Packstation available) |
Austria | 8,90 [4,33] €* | |
Switzerland | 14,90 [3,61] €* | (check custom tax conditions) |
France | 9,90 [4,33] €* | |
Italy | 10,90 [4,40] €* | |
Afghanistan | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Albania | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Algeria | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Andorra | 8,32 [3,61] €* | |
Angola | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Argentina | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Armenia | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Australia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Azerbaijan | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Bahamas | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Bahrain | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Bangladesh | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Belarus | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Belgium | 10,90 [4,37] €* | |
Belize | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Bermuda | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Bolivia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 8,40 [3,61] €* | |
Brazil | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Brunei Darussalam | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Bulgaria | 11,90 [4,33] €* | |
Cambodia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Cameroon | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Canada | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Cape Verde | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Central African Republic | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Chile | 21 [6,72] €* | |
China | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Colombia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Comoros | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Costa Rica | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Cote D'Ivoire | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Croatia | 11,90 [4,51] €* | |
Cuba | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Cyprus | 15,90 [4,30] €* | |
Czech Republic | 9,90 [4,37] €* | |
Denmark | 10,90 [4,51] €* | |
Djibouti | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Dominican Republic | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Ecuador | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Egypt | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
El Salvador | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Estonia | 11,90 [4,33] €* | |
Ethiopia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Finland | 13,06 [4,53] €* | |
France. Metropolitan | 16,03 [4,33] €* | |
French Guiana | 16,03 [4,33] €* | |
French Polynesia | 16,03 [4,33] €* | |
French Southern Territories | 16,03 [4,33] €* | |
Gambia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Georgia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Ghana | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Gibraltar | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Great Britain | 19,90 [6,72] €* | |
Greece | 12,90 [4,48] €* | |
Greenland | 16,72 [3,61] €* | |
Grenada | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Guadeloupe | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Guam | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Guatemala | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Guinea | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Haiti | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Honduras | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Hong Kong | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Hungary | 11,90 [4,58] €* | |
Iceland | 8,32 [3,61] €* | |
India | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Indonesia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Iraq | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Ireland | 12,90 [4,44] €* | |
Israel | 16,72 [3,61] €* | |
Jamaica | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Japan | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Jordan | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Kazakhstan | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Kenya | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Korea. Republic of | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Kuwait | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Kyrgyzstan | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Latvia | 11,90 [4,37] €* | |
Lebanon | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Liechtenstein | 12,61 [3,61] €* | (check custom tax conditions) |
Lithuania | 11,90 [4,37] €* | |
Luxembourg | 9,90 [4,22] €* | |
Macau | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Macedonia. The Former Yugoslav Republic of | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Madagascar | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Malaysia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Maldives | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Malta | 12,90 [4,26] €* | |
Mauritania | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Mauritius | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Mexico | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Moldova. Republic of | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Monaco | 8,32 [3,61] €* | |
Mongolia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Morocco | 16,72 [3,61] €* | |
Myanmar | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Namibia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Nepal | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Netherlands | 9,90 [4,37] €* | |
Netherlands Antilles | 16,17 [4,37] €* | |
New Caledonia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
New Zealand | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Nicaragua | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Niger | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Nigeria | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Norway | 8,32 [3,61] €* | |
Oman | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Pakistan | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Panama | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Paraguay | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Peru | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Philippines | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Poland | 8,90 [4,44] €* | |
Portugal | 11,90 [4,44] €* | |
Puerto Rico | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Qatar | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Romania | 10,90 [4,30] €* | |
Russian Federation | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
San Marino | 8,32 [3,61] €* | |
Saudi Arabia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Senegal | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Serbia | 8,40 [3,61] €* | (check custom tax conditions) |
Seychelles | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Singapore | 13,36 [6,72] €* | |
Slovakia (Slovak Republic) | 11,17 [4,44] €* | |
Slovenia | 10,90 [4,40] €* | |
South Africa | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Spain | 10,90 [4,37] €* | |
Spain (Islands) | 30,41 [4,37] €* | |
Sri Lanka | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Sudan | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Suriname | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Sweden | 11,90 [4,51] €* | |
Syrian Arab Republic | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Taiwan | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Tajikistan | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Tanzania. United Republic of | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Thailand | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Togo | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Tunisia | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Turkey | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Turkmenistan | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Uganda | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Ukraine | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
United Arab Emirates | 21 [6,72] €* | |
United States | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Uruguay | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Uzbekistan | 13,36 [3,61] €* | |
Vatican City State (Holy See) | 8,32 [3,61] €* | |
Venezuela | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Viet Nam | 21 [6,72] €* | |
WORLD | 25 [25] €* | |
Yemen | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Zaire | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Zambia | 21 [6,72] €* | |
Zimbabwe | 21 [6,72] €* |
Please refer to the table on the left for the delivery runtime applying to your location.
If there is not stated any other time in the item description, all goods will be delivered within 3-5 days, tailor-made clothes within 2 - 4 weeks after the contract (with payment only after receipt of the full purchase price and the shipping costs). Based on which fabric you chose the overall delivery time may vary. Please find the overall delivery time on the fabric detail page, in your cart or on the checkout page.
As we offer shipping to many different countries the shipping time can vary.
Shipping costs:
For fabric samples, the costs are in square brackets, for all other items the preceding values.
The amount of the shipping cost does not dependent on the number of articles and is based only on article type and destination.